She's a Good Girl
We are a vibe. We are a safe space, we are uniquely weird, and we are 100% authentic. Haters gonna hate but there’s nothing but love over here. She's a good girl, hosted by Barbie Quinn, is a series of real conversations without barriers, as we level our way through discriminations that we won’t allow to define us. With a mission to bring education, awareness and an actual voice to hard topics that hit sex, dating, mental health, self love and diversification. Barbie Quinn does not hold back, says things that are hard to say and will give nothing but the honest truth.
I want to hear from my Good Girls! DM me on either IG and check out podcast merch and more on the website https://shesagoodgirlxx.com. Remember, our Good Girls go to heaven by bringing their bad girls with them xx
Host: @barbiequinnofficial
YouTube production team: @beheardproduction
She's a Good Girl
S3 E15: How to NOT Win a Break-up
We all know the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (and if you don't then that is your homework because it is the ultimate classic Romcom) - well...what if the relationship has already been lost? Sadly, the pain and frustation usually does not stop there. In this week's episode we analyze what we call, "the hangover period", when you're still communicating with your ex and share friends/places but are not technically together anymore. There are certain guidelines that we, as responsible Good Girls, should abide to if we plan on being the best version of ourselves...post break-up!
I want to hear from my Good Girls! DM me on either IG and check out podcast merch and more on the website https://shesagoodgirlxx.com. Remember, our Good Girls go to heaven by bringing their bad girls with them xx
Host: @barbiequinnofficial
YouTube production team: @austinfitnesscommunity